Lease Log is a better way of keeping track of odometer usage related to automobile leases. The app allows for logging 4 automobile leases at a time. Simply enter the terms of the lease, and Lease Log calculates the distance allotted to date. On the iPhone app, you can enter the current odometer reading and Lease Log will let you know if you are over or under the daily average usage to stay within the lease terms. Green bars indicate a favorable odometer reading, and red ones indicate that the usage is too high. If the usage is over the allowable odometer distance, Lease Log calculates the projected cost of that overage for you. The app works with miles or kilometers, and it takes into account the starting odometer reading.
In addition, an Apple Watch companion app allows for quick check of the odometer reading to let you know where you stand with any of the 4 vehicles you are tracking. Every 3 months, a friendly reminder notification lets you know that its time to check the odometer. Let Lease Log help you keep track of your auto leases.